the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living


2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living: Call for Workshop Proposals

Alt text: Generation ADA: Rise Up! 2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living (Image: red power fist outlined by a black circle)

Generation ADA: Rise Up!

July 27-30, 2015; Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC

Submit a workshop proposal

NCIL’s Annual Conference draws individuals of all ages and disabilities from all 50 states. In recent years, the NCIL conference has hosted nearly 1,000 individuals, including grassroots advocates, CIL and SILC leadership, and representatives from other major organizations that work for justice and equity for people with disabilities. In 2015, we expect over 1,000 community members, leaders, and advocates to unite in our nation’s capital to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the ADA. We will honor our past and catalyze our future as we rise up to learn from young advocates that have grown up in the 25 years since that momentous legislative victory.

Since the passage of the ADA, this entire generation of young advocates with disabilities has grown up: the ADA Generation. These advocates are here; ready to be included and supported to lead. NCIL is the longest-running national disability organization working across lines of age and disability. If our success is to continue, we must build authentic and lasting participation and leadership of young advocates in NCIL and throughout the Independent Living and Disability Rights Movements.

This Call for Workshop Proposals is also a call to action for advocates of all ages. We ask current leaders and Executive Directors of CILs and SILCs to support young people with disabilities in their efforts to travel to and present at the conference. We are specifically seeking young leaders and adult allies to apply for workshop sessions that will orient fellow young advocates and new conference attendees with NCIL, the Independent Living Movement, and advocacy and legislative work. We ask young people with disabilities to attend the conference, apply for workshop sessions, and mobilize other young advocates to do the same. For our part, NCIL will provide the space for these workshops and discussions, and work tirelessly to identify ways to reduce and/or support costs for young advocates to attend.

We need your ideas, workshops, and participation for Generation ADA: Rise Up! Let’s come together in Washington next summer to learn from each other, foster new leadership, cultivate cross-generational connections, crush tokenism, and secure our Movement’s growth!

As always, NCIL’s Annual Conference Committee also encourages conference workshops that seek to improve the skills and resources of staff to carry out the core services of CILs and operate strong SILCs.

It is with these goals in mind that the National Council on Independent Living seeks workshops for our 2015 Annual Conference in the following tracks:

  • SILC Track: Workshops covering best practices and innovation in operations and programs of Statewide Independent Living Councils;
  • ILA Track: Workshops for CILs or SILCs related to the IL Program’s transition to the Independent Living Administration at the US Department of HHS;
  • Youth Track: Workshops related to youth leadership, outreach, and movement building;
  • Orientation Track: Workshops aimed at orienting young advocates and new attendees to NCIL, disability rights advocacy, and federal legislation;
  • General Track: Workshops for staff, consumers, and other advocates in the Independent Living Movement that do not fit the other four categories.

Important Information for Presenters:

  • Presenters and facilitators are not exempt from registration fees. Presenters must register and pay for all days they plan to attend; presenters that attend only their session and no other events do not need to pay.
  • NCIL is unable to pay travel expenses or honoraria to any presenter or facilitator.
  • Our attendees expect, and learn best when provided with print outs of presentation slides and relevant handout materials. To increase education and the application of concepts, we strongly encourage presenters to provide handouts. All handouts must be available in accessible formats. Information on preparing accessible formats is available from NCIL staff. Accessible formats include: Braille, large print (18 point bold), audio (read aloud on CD), and electronic (plain text on CD or USB drive). Additionally, we are happy to answer questions regarding accessible handouts, please contact [email protected].
  • Due to the growing number of participants at the NCIL conference, we can no longer offer a maximum attendee cut-off. Nor can we offer to have rooms set any other way than theatre style. We regret any inconvenience that this may cause to your presentation should it be accepted and ask that you keep this information in mind when submitting your proposal.
  • Workshop sessions run for one hour and fifteen minutes. If your presentation will take longer, you must apply for a series of workshops.


  • Deadline for Submission is Wednesday, January 7th, 2015. No proposals will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
  • Deadline for Audio / Visual requests or modifications is Friday, June 12, 2015.

This Call for Proposals the only request that will be issued for speakers, group facilitators, or poster presentations for the 2015 Conference. NCIL’s Annual Conference Subcommittee carefully reviews each proposal and selects those that are, as a whole, relevant to this year’s Conference theme (Generation ADA: Rise Up!) and are valuable to a cross-section of CIL, SILC, and IL Association staff, board members, consumers, and other IL advocates. No preference will be given to NCIL committees or affiliates.

The Conference Committee will review all proposals received by the deadline. The decisions of the Committee are final. Proposal presenters and facilitators will be notified by Monday, February 23, 2015 about whether or not they have been selected to make a presentation or facilitate a group at the Conference in July 2015.

If you have any questions about this form or the work of the Committee, please contact Angela Ellman at [email protected].

New Community Learning Exchange – Lead On: Igniting Youth Voice, Promoting Youth Choice

The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) and the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) are hosting a Community Learning Exchange (CLE) entitled Lead On: Igniting Youth Voice, Promoting Youth Choice. The CLE is not a conference, but rather an opportunity for community teachers, leaders, and activists of all ages and stages to come together for deep learning. The Lead On CLE will bring together youth with disabilities and their peer and adult allies in efforts to increase youth voice.

  • Who: Teams of 3-5 youth and adults (including those with disabilities, family members and/or caring adults, and youth service professionals)
  • When: December 11-14, 2014
  • Where: Washington, DC
  • Learn more / register
  • Download the brochure (PDF)

NCIL Path to Empowerment for Consumers with SCI Grants

NCIL is excited to announce that we have received a grant through the Craig Neilsen Foundation! NCIL is seeking five (5) to ten (10) Centers for Independent Living (CILs) that are interested in providing programs to enhance the quality of life for people with SCI.

NCIL will provide funding ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 to CILs interested in providing Independent Living, Employment, Assistive Technology or Sports & Recreation programs. Examples include: Independent Living – one-to-one or group IL skills training; one-to-one visits to people with SCI in rehab facilities; one-to-one assistance to individuals wanting to leave nursing homes for more independent living arrangements; Employment – assistance with resume and interview preparation, applying for jobs and learning how to handle disability issues or concerns during the interviewing, hiring and employment process; Assistive technology – assisting consumers in identifying and acquiring necessary technology to enhance independence and quality of life; and Sports & Recreation – programs that teach wheelchair sports, provide fitness, wellness and nutrition opportunities and exercise classes for people with SCI.

NCIL will select the CILs that best demonstrate the capacity and resources necessary to make the greatest impact for consumers with SCI. All program applicants in each focus category must demonstrate the capacity to enhance quality of life for people with SCI. Additionally, applicants should document how they will fulfill the Neilsen Foundation evaluation criteria including impact, innovation, and relevance to the area of focus on traumatic and chronic spinal cord injury; feasibility based on documented experience, expertise, available resources, and organizational commitment; sustainability of proposed project or program; collaboration and demonstration of meaningful community partnerships including the avoidance of duplication of services and demonstration of shared community resources; and clear project evaluation methods. While applicants must communicate how their proposed activities will improve outcomes for consumers with SCI, NCIL acknowledges and appreciates that programs funded under this grant will serve consumers with all types of disabilities. Applicants must be Centers for Independent Living that are members of NCIL.

To apply, interested parties must use the Application Form, which is available in three formats:

The application deadline is 11:59 PM EST, Monday, December 8, 2014. Late applications will not be accepted or considered for funding. Applications must be submitted via email by the application deadline to Tim Fuchs, Operations Director, at [email protected].

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month when schools, organizations and communities come together to raise awareness and show support for those who have been bullied. NCIL is partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in support of this campaign, which was launched by PACER in 2006 and it has become an international movement supported by schools, organizations, students, corporations and celebrities.

“Bullying is a serious issue that impacts students and families across the country,” said Kelly Buckland, NCIL. “Every child deserves to feel safe at school, in the community, and online and we believe it is important to help spread the bullying prevention message.”

One in three American children will be bullied this year, more than 13 million students in all. Research shows that children who are bullied are more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders, and the lasting effects can be heartbreaking. “October is a time when educators, students, parents and community members can unite to share an important message – that bullying is not acceptable behavior in their school and community,” said Julie Hertzog, executive director of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center.

Students and organizations are planning events and activities across the country including celebrations of Unity Day on Wednesday, Oct. 22. A simple way for individuals and organizations to support Unity Day is by wearing orange and using social media to spread the word. PACER has additional ideas to mark Unity Day and offers helpful resources for students, families and educators at

“Everyone can play a role in bullying intervention and prevention,” said Buckland “We are doing our part and we hope that others will join us in support of National Bullying Prevention Month.”

Free Resource: Choice Magazine Listening Provides Best in Magazine Writing for People with Visual and Other Disabilities

Source: Choice Magazine Listening

For more than 50 years, Choice Magazine Listening has been sharing its special selections of literature free of charge with people who have visual impairments or physical disabilities. What makes the service unique is that a team of full-time editors reads over 100 magazines every month in order to share the best writing that illuminates the human experience.

The CML editors choose short stories, poems, interviews and articles, which are then recorded by professional narrators – some of the same voices that may be familiar to you from audiobooks. CML compiles the recordings into 12-hour anthologies, which it sends four times a year to all those enjoying a free subscription.  [Read more…]

NCIL Enters Into Formal Agreement with Two National Disaster Response Agencies!

Signing Ceremony – featuring representatives from American Red Cross, NCIL, and Portlight Strategies

Signing Ceremony – featuring representatives from American Red Cross, NCIL, and Portlight Strategies

As we have reported in recent months, the NCIL Emergency Planning and Response Subcommittee has been working diligently to develop Memorandums of Understanding between both the American Red Cross and Portlight Strategies. We are thrilled to report that an official signing ceremony took place during the NCIL Annual Conference on Thursday, July 31!

You can expect to hear much more from the NCIL Emergency Planning Subcommittee in the next few months as we develop tips and strategies on best practices for developing good working relationships with emergency responders in your area.

Signing Ceremony – Paul Timmons from Portlight Strategies looks on as Kelly Buckland and Richard Reed sign the MOU between NCIL and ARC

Signing Ceremony – Paul Timmons from Portlight Strategies looks on as Kelly Buckland and Richard Reed sign the MOU between NCIL and ARC

Our Subcommittee members are available to assist any CIL in their efforts to reach out to individuals with disabilities after a disaster. We want to help you get in touch with the appropriate emergency responders to ensure that our community receives appropriate and accessible services. We can be reached via email at [email protected].

Deadline Extended: 4th Annual My American Dream Video Contest

Source: National Disability Institute

The deadline to submit a video for the 4th Annual My American Dream – Voices of Americans with Disabilities Video Contest has been extended to September 23, 2014! Please read on for further details.

Having a dream for your future and the chance to achieve it is a promise that truly makes America the land of opportunity. If you or someone you know has an American dream they want to achieve, National Disability Institute wants to hear about it.

National Disability Institute is proud to launch its 4th Annual My American Dream – Voices of Americans with Disabilities Video Contest.

NDI want to hear from individuals with disabilities across country about their American dreams and the steps they are taking to achieve them. Whether it’s landing a dream job, starting a career, owning a home, going to college, starting a business or taking steps toward financial independence, National Disability Institute encourages people with disabilities to share their goals and show that all Americans want the same thing – a piece of the American dream.  [Read more…]

Get Free Tax Prep Help

The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs offer free tax help for taxpayers who qualify.

The VITA Locater Tool provides up-to-date information on where you can get your taxes prepared for free. The locater tool will provide you with information such as the name of site, address, phone number, days and hours of operation (unless it is appointment only), and types of languages spoken including American Sign Language. In addition, the locater tool utilizes Google Maps to provide an accurate location.

The website is available all year. A few hundred sites offer free tax preparation year-round and thousands more listings will appear in January.

The IRS has an App called IRS2GO and the VITA Locater Tool is one of the features in this free App that is available for all smart phone users at iTunes or Google Play.

Cost Allocation Plans and Time and Effort Reporting for CILs

CIL-NET Presents… A Teleconference & Webinar Series

IL-NET Logo - CIL-NET + SILC-NETPart I: Cost Allocation Plans and Upcoming Uniform Grant Guidance
September 16, 2014; 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Part II: Time and Effort Reporting
September 17, 2014; 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Register online or by using the printable registration form (PDF).

Would you like clarification on Cost Allocation Plans or Personnel Activity Reports for your Center? Federal guidelines can be difficult to understand and even harder to implement. That’s why the IL-NET has invited three content experts to explain these requirements in plain language. Join us for this two-part series to get clear direction on the key components of CAPs, PARs, and the forthcoming Uniform Grant Guidance so you can feel confident in your controls and compliance and focus on your mission.  [Read more…]

Disaster Relief for People with Disabilities: NCIL + Portlight Strategies

Portlight Strategies logoAs of today, we are just a few days shy of being halfway through the 2014 hurricane season. So far, it’s been a quiet one for the U.S. mainland, with Hawaii mostly dodging what could have been a devastating one-two punch from Iselle and Julio, had they not downgraded in strength. As we know all too well, though, we can’t afford to get complacent.

This season, Portlight Strategies hopes to deploy a new disaster shelter trailer, which will help assist shelter operators in making their facilities fully accessible to people with all types of disabilities. This will include ramping, railings, cots, dinner and drinkware, and assistive technologies for those with vision, hearing, cognitive and developmental delays. As with previous relief efforts, Portlight Strategies will also bring durable medical equipment to replace any that may be lost to storm damage or flooding. This trailer would be deployed to your area if needed during a disaster to assist your consumers.

Portlight Strategies recently signed a memorandum of understanding with NCIL, to work together to better serve the disability community during times of disaster. Portlight also serves on the NCIL Emergency Management Subcommittee, which is led by Christy Dunaway. Portlight is excited to continue and grow our relationship with NCIL and its members through projects like this. If you would like more information about this project, please visit