NCIL’s Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Subcommittee is still headway and waves when it comes to making sure Independent Living philosophy and disability rights laws stay true to the values of our community. When our members are not teaching other ADRC members about the Independent Living Movement, we are teaching about disability rights laws through trainings and making sure that this information is accessible to everyone – even if that means slowing down time frames of when trainings need to be done for the Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Subcommittee members have also been supporting each other at our CILs at our monthly meetings, letting each one of our members know that we are not alone when it comes to changes and how we can best support each other. It has been said that the most dangerous statement said is “it’s always been done this way”. Change doesn’t have to be bad but it can be hard. The ADRC Subcommittee has been putting out workshop proposals to every conference we come across in order to make sure that we have a voice at the table.
For further information on the ADRC Subcommittee, contact Ericka Reil at [email protected].