NCIL has been working in partnership with NASUAD’s Information & Referral Support Center on the 2015 Aging and Disability I&R/A National Survey. We are requesting your assistance with the dissemination of the survey, which is designed to assess the state of Information and Referral/ Assistance (I&R/A) systems serving older adults and persons with disabilities. Findings from the survey will highlight important trends and developments in the provision of I&R/A services. The results of the survey will be compiled into a final report and shared with NCIL and NASUAD members, as well as the I&R/A network as a whole.
We are requesting that you share the survey with I&R/A lead staff at your agency so that they may complete the survey. Given the comprehensive nature of the survey, NASUAD has extended the deadline for responses to March 31.
Please complete the survey online if you are able. The survey is also available in plain text.
The I&R Center’s director, Nanette Relave, is available to address questions, offer assistance, and provide the survey in an alternate format if needed (she can be contacted at 202-898-2578 x305 or [email protected]). You may also direct questions to Lindsay Baran at NCIL (she can be contacted at 202-207-0334 X 1108 or [email protected]).
We appreciate your time and assistance in helping us disseminate this survey to increase our collective knowledge and understanding of the delivery of I&R/A to seniors and individuals with disabilities!