the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

NCIL Annual Conference Update

We wanted to be in touch about NCIL’s Annual Conference on Independent Living. It has become clear that the COVID-19 epidemic is a long-term event, certain to impact the NCIL conference in a variety of ways. NCIL’s Annual Conference Subcommittee, staff, and governing board are gathering information and resources to sort out the best way for the coolest bunch of people with disabilities and independent living advocates to gather, share, learn from each other, and shake things up, even if that means gathering virtually or a significant delay in the event. We will withhold opening guestrooms and registration until we know more, but please stay tuned for more information. We will keep you posted as the situation develops.

Just know that we’re absolutely committed to an event that is safe and accessible to all.

Conference Logo: Evolution of our Revolution - 2020 Annual Conference on Independent Living. Graphic features a speech bubble and heart icon.


  1. I understand, however, tear emoji.