the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living


NCIL Celebrates Black History Month 2013!

Civil rights march in DC 1963February is Black History Month, the month set aside in the US and Canada to celebrate the culture and history of the African American community. This year, Black History Month is extra special because it is also the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Some important Black History dates to celebrate this month are February 1, 1960, when the Greensboro sit-in was started by four North Carolina A&T College students, and February 1, 1965, when 700 people were jailed in Selma, Alabama for demanding voting rights for African Americans. Many of social justice leaders and freedom fighters were born in February, such as Rosa Parks (February 4, 1913), Alice Walker (February 9, 1944), W.E.B. DuBois (February 23, 1868) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809).  [Read more…]

Disability Community Celebrates 57th Presidential Inauguration in Style

Kelly Buckland and Judy Heumann pose at the 2013 Inaugural BallOn Saturday, January 19, 2013, many members of the disability community celebrated President Obama’s Inauguration at the 2nd Disability Power and Pride Inaugural Ball. The event was held on the 13th floor of the National Press Club and featured food, drinks, and dancing to the music of the band Jukeboxx.

The event also featured a brief program with Master of Ceremonies Tony Coelho, who outlined the history of DPP and told the crowd that an Inaugural Ball for the disability community will be held every four years from now on. He also introduced Kareem Dale, Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy, and announced his departure from that position as of this Friday, January 25, 2013. Dale brought a message from President Obama, who committed to continue policy work on disability issues in his second term. The crowd wished Dale well in his future endeavors.

Newly elected Representative Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) spoke to the crowd. She thanked the community for its support, from the moment she woke up from her military accident to her decision to run for and win her Congressional seat. She said that she looks forward to working with us and partnering on legislation on several of our issues.  [Read more…]

Our Issues & Obama’s Gun Control Proposals

NCIL members pose at the CapitolYesterday, President Obama held a press conference to outline his proposals to curb gun violence in America. He announced that he will be bringing these proposals to Congress and issuing 23 executive orders. Some of the measures he referenced could have an impact on the disability community and the issues we care about. This is a brief outline of those measures.

Obama proposes universal background checks for gun owners in order to determine criminal history or diagnosed mental illness. The President also called for improved reporting of criminals and people with mental illness by states to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). While that reporting is already required by law, Obama proposes funding to improve states’ data systems and stronger guidelines on reporting. He also plans to issue a Presidential Memorandum ordering agencies to update data regularly.

We will make it easier to keep guns out of the hands of criminals by strengthening the background check system.  We will help schools hire more resource officers if they want them and develop emergency preparedness plans.  We will make sure mental health professionals know their options for reporting threats of violence — even as we acknowledge that someone with a mental illness is far more likely to be a victim of violent crime than the perpetrator.  [Read more…]

Concrete Steps You Can Take Now to Prepare to Create Change During the 113th Congress!

NCIL members on Hill VisitsThe 113th Congressional session began January 3, 2013. We’re gearing up, and we hope the NCIL membership is, too! Now is the time to start the prep work that will enable us to create big change during this Congressional session.

This Congress will experience the most change Congress has seen in the past 10 years, from a tide of incoming legislators to shakeups in committee and subcommittee leadership, this session is bound to keep us on our toes.

The 2013 NCIL Congressional Briefing and Reception will be on Wednesday, February 27, 2013. The NCIL membership will receive an Action Alert urging you to invite your Senators, Representatives, and their staff members to attend the Reception in order to meet the NCIL Board and staff, and to learn about the contributions Centers for Independent Living make every day, all across America.

Here are a few things you can do in the meantime to prepare the 113th for NCIL-style advocacy, and prepare yourself for NCIL’s 2013 Day on the Hill, which will take place this July during the 2013 Annual Conference on Independent Living.  [Read more…]

Disability Community Inaugural Ball

Become a part of history at the 2013 Disability Community Inaugural Ball! Disability Power & Pride and the American Association of People with Disabilities have joined together to host this important milestone in cultivating the enduring power of the disability community.

Find out more about the event at the Disability Power & Pride website.

Happy Holidays from the National Council on Independent Living!

We wish you tenderness for the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future. May every cup overflow and every path lead to peace.*

NCIL wishes you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a triumphant 2013!

The NCIL office will be closed Monday, December 24th – Tuesday, January 1st as staff recharges and prepares for the coming year, which is sure to bring new challenges, new voices, and a renewed sense of community.  [Read more…]

This February: How to Start an ADAPT Group or Learn More About Organizing ADAPT Style

ADAPT logo: Free Our PeopleAre services threatened in your state? Is Medicaid funding being cut? Do you have access issues in your community? Don’t Mourn, Organize! Form an ADAPT group!

ADAPT will hold a training February 8 – 12, 2013 in Austin, Texas on how to organize in your state and how to start, or re-start, an ADAPT group. Space is limited, so don’t delay! [Read more…]

December Organizer’s Forum: The Disability Rights Movement, Post-Election

The December meeting of the Organizer’s Forum, a monthly teleconference, will feature a conversation about the disability rights movement and how we can gather input from around the country for a post-election agenda.

The call will be facilitated by Mark Johnson of the Shepherd Center in Atlanta Georgia and participants will include several leaders from the National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA):

  • Kelly Buckland, National Council on Independent Living
  • Amber Smock, ADAPT and Access Living
  • Paul Tobin and Alexandra Bennewith, United Spinal Association
  • Organizers’ Forum Co-Coordinator Diane Coleman, Not Dead Yet
  • and many others  [Read more…]

2013 Annual Conference on Independent Living Call for Workshop Proposals

2013 Conference Logo RE:GENERATION

NCIL’s 2013 Annual Conference on Independent Living will take place July 24-27, at the Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC. This year’s Conference is an opportunity for new leadership, new ideas, and growth! The theme of the entire event will be regeneration, from the perspectives of all of the generations, communities, populations, and people that make the Independent Living Movement vibrant and powerful! One of the hallmarks of our Movement and organizations is peer support. We must share and learn from each other if we are to continue to organize and succeed.

Let us come together next July to gain new perspective from young advocates, learn from the success of veteran leaders, and ensure we are representing everyone in our communities back home. We will take time to learn about the issues affecting young people with disabilities, communicate strategies for making our Movement truly representative of all people with disabilities, share effective ways to include and empower new advocates, and provide a forum to develop proactive systems advocacy action and solutions to barriers new and old!  [Read more…]

Election Mini Run Down

We pay taxes we deserve access 2012 protest signTammy Duckworth (D-IL), a veteran with a disability, was elected to the House of Representatives by defeating incumbent Joe Walsh 55-45%. While certainly not the first member of Congress with a disability, Duckworth is the first female Senator with a disability and the first Asian American woman elected to Congress in Illinois. Duckworth touts her dedication to veterans and has an extensive background, most recently serving as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, where she focused on veteran employment initiatives and the accessibility and accountability of the VA. Read an article about her from Mother Jones.

A Historic Night for Women: A record number of women will serve in the 113th Congress.

Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) will become the first openly gay member of the US Senate, and will be joined by new Senators Deb Fischer (R-NE), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and likely Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND). If Heikamp wins, the number of female Senators in the 113th Congress will be twenty. [Read more…]