the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

National Voter Registration Day: September 27, 2016!

Tuesday September 27th marks National Voter Registration Day – a day when volunteers, celebrities, and organizations promote awareness of voter registration opportunities.

The REV UP Campaign is excited to participate in National Voter Registration Day. We encourage all of the state and local REV UP Campaigns to sign-up as partners and plan to hold voter registration events on September 27th.

Toolkit Logo - Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! RevUp! Make the Disability Vote CountJoin the REV UP National Organizing Call on September 8, 2016!

To prepare for National Voter Registration Day, the REV UP Campaign is hosting a National Organizing Call on Thursday, September 8 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. On this call, we will:

  • Review the role of the REV UP Campaign
  • Recap National Disability Voter Registration Week
  • Discuss how to prepare to participate in National Voter Registration Day
  • Learn about Successful State GOTV Strategies & Engagement
  • Set up state REV UP calls to support voter registration and GOTV efforts

RSVP for the REV UP National Organizing Call