the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Help Vote A Disability Rights Question into the Next Debate!

The second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be held on October 9th. For this debate, ABC and CNN moderators have agreed to consider the top 30 questions voted on by the public.

Currently, the question “How would you value disability rights in your presidency?” is in the top 75 out of 9,000! With your help, we can get this question into the top 30 to have both Clinton and Trump outline how they would support disability rights as president.

Vote for this question and encourage your networks to vote as well!


  1. Kelly Harris says

    My son has Autism and it’s not just a child’s disease. He will eventually age out of the school system and ABA we are being provided. I want to know each candidates stance on funding for continuation of both child and adult disability aid programs.

    • Yes, I Agree my son has already aged out of his schooling and programming for son, isn’t possible because he has disabiluy disconnects with others outside our family. I had to walk away from my career, in order to stay home and care for him full time! Families need more help with their adult children with disabilies. They can’t live on their own, so how and will your admittition, advicate for us.