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Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Give Aid to CILs and SILCs Affected by Disasters

As you have likely seen, natural disasters can occur without warning and affect entire populations. Centers for Independent Living, Statewide Independent Living Councils, and people with disabilities in Vermont and Hawaii have recently been affected by flooding and wildfires. Recently, massive rains destroyed Vermont Center for Independent Living and they are currently working to rebuild and provide services once again for individuals with disabilities. Numerous people have been affected by the Hawaii wildfires, and we need to work together to bring them some relief. NCIL will be reaching out to Centers in Hawaii to learn how to best help and allocate funding.

CIL services are crucial to help people with disabilities regain independence after disasters. CILs provide needed housing assistance, help navigate changes to benefits that may occur, track down life-sustaining equipment, and cooperate and advocate with local, state, and federal agencies that arrive to provide emergency assistance, but so often fail to provide accommodations to people with disabilities. But CILs can’t help if their own facilities are damaged or destroyed or staff members are displaced or unable to work because of their losses.

In response to these and other types of emergencies, the National Council on Independent Living developed NCIL’s Disaster Relief Fund, which distributes money specifically to Centers for Independent Living or 501(c)(3) Statewide Independent Living Councils damaged or destroyed in disasters. NCIL does not distribute money to individual disaster victims, but rather, gives money to CILs and SILCs so that they can repair, replace, or rebuild facilities and equipment and assist their employees and communities in the wake of a disaster.

Since its inception in 2005, the Disaster Relief Fund has been funded by the generous support of NCIL members and friends like you. 100% of these restricted funds will go towards the purpose outlined above.

Giving DOES help.

Last year, NCIL worked with our membership and Governing Board to raise funds and help those CILs in Florida and Puerto Rico with disaster relief from Hurricane Ian. NCIL Membership donated funds and those donations, combined with previous disaster relief funds, were distributed to four different Centers totaling over $10,000. Together we are more powerful than alone.

Let’s unite and support each other in times of crises. If you have any questions, you can reach out to [email protected].

Please give what you can today:

Checks may be made payable and mailed to the National Council on Independent Living, P.O. Box 31260, Washington, DC 20030. NCIL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.