the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living


Updates on Key Disability Positions in the Second Obama Administration

Nothing About Us Without Us 2012 signThe second Obama Administration is underway and NCIL is closely following several positions that work to address disability issues daily. This article explores the progress on some of those positions.

Department of Education

Michael Yudin remains Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and has been nominated to assume the job permanently.

Janet L. LaBreck was nominated by President Obama to be Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services Administration in the Department of Education. She currently serves as the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB), a position she has held since 2007.  [Read more…]

LEAD Center Webinar: Promoting Economic Advancement – Financial Education

LEAD Center LogoThis webinar will offer attendees a context for the need for and benefits of financial education, connections to free financial education curriculums and resources, practical steps to implementing Money Smart in American Job Centers, and a story from the field. Register now.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013; 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. EST  [Read more…]

VAWA Reauthorization Achieves Final Passage!

Just in time to celebrate Women’s History month, reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) has passed both Chambers of Congress. In a historic event, the House of Representatives passed the inclusive Senate VAWA bill, which encompasses prevention, protection and services for all victims. We ask that you thank the Congressional leaders who voted yes and shame those who voted no on this imperative legislation.

This victory has been over two years in the making. NCIL would like to congratulate and thank our members, coalition partners, our allies in Congress, and our Violence and Abuse Task Force.

NCIL’s Violence and Abuse Task Force contributed language for the legislation and lead a national advocacy outreach campaign to achieve this five year reauthorization. Jan Derry, Co-Chair of the Task Force, joined other NCIL Board members and staff on the Hill, advocating up until the final moments. Congratulations to the Violence and Abuse Task Force on a great campaign!

This bill includes updated provisions that protect the rights of LGBT persons, immigrants, and Native Americans. It also included new language that represents an opportunity for people with disabilities. A specialty grants section will provide funding to CILs across the nation through their state partnerships with Domestic Violence programs. These funds will allow CILs to provide technical assistance to first responders, law enforcement, shelter staff members, and others on how to assist people with disabilities. The bill will also provide states with funds to provide accessible shelters or find alternative protection for victims with disabilities.  [Read more…]

VAWA Needs Your Help Today!

Today, the House of Representatives will take a historic procedural vote. House members have been asked to take an up or down vote on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Republican substitute bill. The Republican VAWA substitute is entirely different than the Senate version (S.47), which passed with strong bipartisan support on February 12 by a 78-22 vote.

The House substitute bill strips away the provisions that will assist with the gap in services for the Native American women, immigrant women, and LGBT individuals.

NCIL strongly supports the protections included in S. 47 for these groups. We strongly urge members of the House of Representative to vote against the substitute bill and in favor of S. 47.  [Read more…]

LEAD Center Webinar: Promoting Economic Advancement – Free Tax Prep

This webinar will offer attendees an overview of three free tax prep models, how to choose a model, who to partner with, practical steps to implementing a free tax model in American Job Centers, and a story from the field. Register today.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013; 3:00pm – 4:30pm

Target Audience: Workforce Investment System and related stakeholders.  [Read more…]

Hot Off the Press: NCIL 2012 Annual Report

Annual Report Cover2012 was a challenging year for the Independent Living community and our nation. Direct threats to our civil rights came in rapid succession and quickly gained momentum in state and federal administrations and legislatures.

NCIL members mobilized to defeat attacks on Olmstead, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

When bureaucrats tried to toss aside our right to live in the community; when lobbyists tried to convince Congress to weaken accessibility standards; when Congress threatened to slash Medicaid, the safety net that allows many of our brothers and sisters to breathe the free air of independence, we stood united as one people and sent a clear message: not on our watch[Read more…]

Announcing: The 2013 NCIL Women’s Caucus Award!

Nominations are now being accepted for the NCIL Women’s Caucus Award, to be presented at the 2013 NCIL Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The NCIL Women’s Caucus Award is established to recognize women contributing to the growth and efforts of the Independent Living Movement and NCIL.

Please use the NCIL Women’s Caucus 2013 Independent Living Hall of Fame Nomination Form to nominate individuals (living or deceased) you feel are deserving of this high honor. Open the Nomination Form (in Word or PDF). [Read more…]

In Memoriam: Charlie Swenson

Charlie SwensonCharlie Swenson, 30, passed away Saturday, January 26th in Washington, DC after a brief illness. Although he never walked or talked, Charlie was a powerful advocate for the inclusion of people with all disabilities in every aspect of community life. His life had a profound and positive effect on many, including his local communities in Maryland and Minnesota, the United States at large, and the world through his participation at the United Nations during the drafting process for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Charlie is survived by his parents, Bill and Sue Swenson, and two brothers, Will and Eric Swenson.

Support NCIL and ADAPT through the 2013 Fun*Run!

fun run logo

Dear friends and fellow advocates:

To kick off another year of NCIL advocacy, I have registered to roll in the ADAPT Fun*Run for Disability Rights on April 21st to support NCIL and National ADAPT. My goal for this year’s Fun*Run is to raise $3,000. To make this happen, I need your support as a sponsor. Your tax deductible contribution will help bring about real changes for people with disabilities!

Let’s hit the ground in 2013 running (or rolling)! We are asking you to make a generous pledge for each lap, or a flat donation. Any support will be appreciated. Pledge your support now!

Thank you,
Kelly Buckland
NCIL Executive Director

The Getting It Right Conference: Real Disaster Relief for People with Disabilities

Portlight Strategies logoPortlight Strategies, in partnership with Brain Dance and Weather Underground, is pleased to announce the Getting It Right Conference: Real Disaster Relief for People with Disabilities. This conference will bring together members of the disability community with disaster planners, emergency operations managers, and first responders to promote awareness of the still unmet needs of the community in times of disaster. Conference attendees will work as a group to identify solutions and implement them for the 2013 hurricane season.