the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living


Questionnaire for CILs / SILCs / IL Associations on Emergency Planning with the American Red Cross

Background: The National Council on Independent Living signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Red Cross (ARC) during NCIL’s Annual Conference in July 2014, after two years of negotiation by the Emergency Preparedness and Response Subcommittee. The MOU details our plan to partner together in providing accessible mass care services to people with disabilities with access and functional needs before, during and after all types of disasters. A letter of commitment further reinforces the MOUs intent – to be put into practice, specifically at the local level, where disasters impact our communities.

Purpose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain feedback from your organization as to your current or past relationship with your local Red Cross chapter as it relates to emergency planning in your service area as well as your capacity to work on emergency planning. Please complete this questionnaire by May 31, 2015. The results will be shared with the American Red Cross, in an effort to determine if a formal introduction between local representatives is necessary, as well as with Portlight Strategies, who will utilize the information to determine your capacity to assist in the event of a disaster in your area. Portlight Strategies, Inc. is a grassroots organization, founded in 1997 by people with disabilities, with a focus on responding to the needs of our community when man-made or natural disasters occur. Portlight is the only national organization focused solely on disaster preparedness, response, and relief for people with disabilities.  [Read more…]

Value Added: Collecting IL Data for Statewide and Local CIL / SILC Impact

CIL-NET Presents… A National Teleconference & Webinar

June 17, 2015; 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Register online or by using the printable registration form (PDF).

IL-NET Logo - CIL-NET + SILC-NETDoes your state have an effective process to collect and use data that shows the impact of the great work being done by your CILs and SILC? If not, you’ll want to sign up for this training. We’ll show you how you can move beyond data collection as a chore to put data to work for you. It takes a concerted, statewide effort to do it right, but once a process is developed, your state will have all of the information you need to create effective talking points, testimonies, reports, and other materials to clearly communicate the value of IL to legislators, funders, and other key players. CIL and SILC staff and Board / Council members are encouraged to participate together.

Registration Fee: $75.00. Fee is per site (connection) and does not apply per participant; registrants are encouraged to gather as many individuals as desired to participate by telephone or webcast.

Target Audience

  • SILC and CIL Executive Directors, Board Members, Program Managers, and others interested in IL data collection and reporting.  [Read more…]

NCIL 2015 Annual Conference Youth Scholarship Application

Thanks to the tremendous support of The HSC Foundation and the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation through the Youth Transitions National Support Fund, Walmart, and the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability, NCIL is proud to release the NCIL 2015 Youth Scholarship Application. We are prioritizing applicants who are working directly with a CIL, SILC, a school, and other disability and / or social justice organizations to find additional funding. Please share this opportunity with your networks and with the Deaf and Disabled young people in your community!​

Generation ADA: Rise Up! 2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living (Image: red power fist outlined by a black circle)Since the passage of the ADA, an entire generation of young people with disabilities has grown up: #GenerationADA. These young people and advocates are here; ready to be included and supported to lead. In honor of the ADA 25th anniversary, the 2015 NCIL Conference is committed to engaging and supporting #GenerationADA. As Deaf and Disabled young people, your attendance is integral to the Conference and your existence and advocacy is crucial to the Independent Living and Disability Rights Movement. Therefore, NCIL invites you to apply for this Youth Scholarship.  [Read more…]

Nominate Deserving Youth with Disabilities for the Diana Viets Memorial Award!

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingAs you know, the NCIL Annual Meeting and Conference is rapidly approaching. The 2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living will be held July 27-30 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC. This year, NCIL will again be honoring individuals from the Independent Living field with various awards for their dedication to the Independent Living and Disability Rights Movements.

One of these awards is the Diana Viets Memorial Award. Diana was an energetic young woman with a disability who dedicated her life to empowering young people with disabilities to take an active role in the Independent Living Movement. Through her work at a Center for Independent Living and the NCIL Board, Diana touched the lives of many youth with disabilities. NCIL wants to acknowledge, honor, and encourage our young leaders who are promoting disability pride, spreading the Independent Living philosophy, and fostering the active participation of youth with disabilities in the Disability Rights Movement.  [Read more…]

Memorandum: Call for Resolutions

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingThis is a call for resolutions to be presented to the NCIL Membership at the Annual Council Meeting. This will be the only call for resolutions to be presented for the 2015 NCIL Annual Council Meeting. The Annual Council Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC. The President will recognize the contact person listed in your resolution to speak at the Annual Meeting. If you are unable to attend, please indicate a designee that will be in attendance. 

Please note: only NCIL members – individuals and organizations – are eligible to submit a resolution for consideration.

Read more at Deadline: Thursday, June 18, 2015.

Nominate for the NCIL Board of Directors by June 11, 2015!

NCIL members have an opportunity to nominate an individual to run for each of the following positions on the NCIL Board:

If you or someone you know would be interested in running for the NCIL Board, please fill out the nomination form.

Please carefully review the position descriptions and memorandum below, as it will help in considering potential nominees. Also, make sure to share these resources with the individual you are nominating so that s/he has a clear understanding of what will be expected should s/he be elected.  [Read more…]

2015 Regional Advocacy Awards

To: NCIL Members
From: NCIL Regional Representatives

Generation ADA: Rise Up! 2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living (Image: red power fist outlined by a black circle)Each year at the Annual Conference, NCIL recognizes individuals and / or organizations for outstanding advocacy efforts. NCIL encourages you to nominate someone in your region who you believe is deserving of this award. Please take a few minutes to complete the nomination form by May 29, 2015.  [Read more…]

Early Bird Registration Rates for NCIL’s 2015 Annual Conference End at Midnight April 29!

Open our Annual Conference Guide (in PDF or plain text) to find everything you need to know about the 2015 Annual Conference.

Generation ADA: Rise Up! 2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living (Image: red power fist outlined by a black circle)Then, register online or by using the printable registration form. Online registration gives you the ability to register up to three attendees with one transaction and accepts Discover, American Express, Visa, and MasterCard.

All registrations received and paid by April 29, 2015 are eligible for the Early Bird registration rates.

This year, you can use NCIL’s custom links to reserve your room at the Grand Hyatt or Embassy Suites.

Additional details are available on our Conference webpage. See you in July!

Making Much of Little: Turning Untapped Assets Into Gold – Your Ingenious Nonprofit

Karen Eber Davis

Logo - Karen Eber Davis ConsultingIngenious solutions. People devise amazing ways to earn income or ingenious solutions. Many of their ideas can be adapted to your setting. This article shares the Asset-on-Hyperdrive technique that I encountered while writing 7 Nonprofit Income Streams.

In a nutshell, the Asset-on-Hyperdrive technique:

  1. Identifies assets such as volunteers, donations, and unused seats.
  2. Explores each asset for its potential to solve a key challenge.
  3. Expands specific assets by using multiple tools and measuring results.
  4. Reaps benefits in your triple-bottom line: growth of community support, income, and mission.

To imagine how this works, think of each of your asset as a garden hose. Left unattended, water trickles out of them. Turn the knob. Receive a flow of water. Twist the knob all the way. You’ll fill your whole yard.  [Read more…]

New ACA 101 for Small Business Webinar Series

The Small Business Administration (SBA), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Small Business Majority will host free Affordable Care Act 101 webinars. The webinar will focus on what the new healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act, means for small businesses. It will focus on both federal and state provisions to help local small business owners understand how the law will affect them. Topics being discussed include:

  1. Small business tax credits (available to businesses and tax-exempt non-profits)— who’s eligible for them and how to claim them
  2. Marketplace updates
  3. Shared responsibility
  4. Cost containment
  5. Tools and resources available for small businesses interested in learning more about the law.  [Read more…]