the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Civil Rights & the ADA

Action Alert: Urge the AMA to Reaffirm Opposition to Assisted Suicide

Source: Not Dead Yet

For decades, the official position of the American Medical Association (AMA) has been to oppose the legalization of assisted suicide (Policy 140.952Policy 270.965). The AMA will have an interim meeting to discuss its policy on assisted suicide Nov. 12-15, at Walt Disney World Swan/Dolphin, Orlando, Florida. At its July 2017 annual meeting, the AMA will consider taking a “neutral” position, which would essentially send a green light to the states that legalizing assisted suicide is acceptable to physicians who are among our most important allies in opposing such a public policy. It is imperative that the AMA retain and affirm its current position.

Please send your own letter and ask your doctors to send a letter as well.  [Read more…]

SABE 2016 Voter Experience Survey

The SABE (Self Advocates Becoming Empowered) Voter Project is beginning to collect the 2016 Voter Experience Surveys.

Survey collection begins on November 8, 2016 and ends January 1, 2017. However, voters who have done early voting or voted by mail can complete the survey now. A report will be prepared summarizing the information collected by each state and nationally. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Essie Pederson at (513) 623-2566 or [email protected].

An Update from the NCIL Voting Rights Subcommittee

On October 14th, The Arc’s Voter Support Service went live. They are currently finalizing an app that can be downloaded, but in the meantime The Arc encourages voters to save the site to the home screen of their smart phones for easy access. It not only provides voters with a quick and simple way to report any issues faced at polling places on Election Day, but also aims to provide immediate assistance to ensure that their vote is counted. To learn more about this important new service, visit

Earlier this year, AAPD and NCIL delivered a questionnaire regarding disability issues to the presidential candidates. As of this week, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s campaigns have submitted answers.

With the election only three weeks away, CILs should be preparing to make calls to consumers reminding them to vote and making sure they have a way to get to the polls. The Voting Rights Subcommittee has provided the NCIL 2016 Phone Banking Guide that includes tips regarding effective messaging, scheduling calls, and logging them as they are made. The Phone Banking Guide is available in PDF, Word, or plain text.

Visit for more resources from the NCIL Voting Rights Subcommittee!

Donald Trump Responds to REV UP Presidential Questionnaire

We are pleased to share with you Mr. Trump’s response to the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), and the REV UP Campaign 2016 Presidential Candidate Questionnaire. We greatly appreciate Mr. Trump submitting his response.

Toolkit Logo - Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! RevUp! Make the Disability Vote CountThe questionnaire was sent to all of the current presidential candidates on 20+ state ballots. To date, Mr. Trump is the second candidate to respond to the questionnaire, following Secretary Clinton.

With only 21 days until Election Day and early voting already taking place in many states, we need your help getting out the word about these questionnaire responses to educate the disability community, and the rest of the country, on how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would address issues that are important to people with disabilities.

People with disabilities and their families account for 62.4 million voters this election, approximately one fourth of the electorate. Please take a few minutes to reach out to your friends, family, and colleagues to share the REV UP Presidential Questionnaire responses from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  [Read more…]

NCIL GOTV Phone Bank Guide

Did you know that phone banking has been recognized as “the single most effective tactic” in encouraging voters with disabilities to turn out at the polls on Election Day? On October 12, 2016, NCIL’s Voting Rights Subcommittee released its “2016 Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Phone Banking Guide,” a brief but thorough resource designed to help both individual advocates and organizations strategize a comprehensive GOTV phone banking plan for the remaining weeks leading up to Election Day. This resource includes guidelines on creating a phone banking plan and schedule; tips and best practices for making GOTV calls and encouraging individuals to see the value in their vote, especially on issues important to the disability community; and a sample GOTV call log to help you track you outreach.

Visit for more resources from the NCIL Voting Rights Subcommittee!

Two New Resources Regarding Voting Accessibility

On September 27th, 2016, National Voter Registration Day, The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, the National Disability Rights Network, the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, and Schulte, Roth, and Zabel law firm released a guide regarding individuals with mental disabilities and their voting rights. The guide, entitled “VOTE. It’s Your Right: A Guide to the Voting Rights of People with Mental Disabilities” provides information on each state’s laws that affect people with mental disabilities. Additionally, it provides individuals with the tools they need to ensure they are able to cast a vote on election day. To obtain an accessible copy of the guide, e-mail [email protected].

In addition, The Ruderman Family Foundation released The Ruderman White Paper on Voting Accessibility for People with Disabilities in September of 2016. PDF and text-only versions of the paper are available at the link above. In the paper, authors Norman Ornstein and Kristina Kopic not only identify the obstacles most commonly faced by individuals with disabilities when voting, but they also provide potential solutions to eliminate those obstacles. For more information about The Ruderman Family Foundation, visit

Help Vote A Disability Rights Question into the Next Debate!

The second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be held on October 9th. For this debate, ABC and CNN moderators have agreed to consider the top 30 questions voted on by the public.

Currently, the question “How would you value disability rights in your presidency?” is in the top 75 out of 9,000! With your help, we can get this question into the top 30 to have both Clinton and Trump outline how they would support disability rights as president.

Vote for this question and encourage your networks to vote as well!

Hillary Clinton Responds to REV UP Presidential Questionnaire

We are pleased to share with you Secretary Clinton’s response to the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), and the REV UP Campaign 2016 Presidential Candidate Questionnaire. We greatly appreciate Secretary Clinton’s response.

Toolkit Logo - Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! RevUp! Make the Disability Vote CountThe questionnaire was sent to all of the current presidential candidates on 20+ state ballots. To date, Secretary Clinton is the only candidate to respond.

We need your help getting all of the campaigns to respond and complete the questionnaire – take action to help us make this happen!

  • Tweet Secretary Clinton to thank her for completing the survey: @HillaryClinton thank you for completing the #REVUP Presidential Candidate Questionnaire on #disability issues!
  • Sign-on to a letter encouraging all of the candidates to complete the questionnaire
  • Tweet the other candidates to encourage them to complete the questionnaire.

[Read more…]

REV UP GOTV National Organizing Call: October 4

Toolkit Logo - Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! RevUp! Make the Disability Vote CountThe REV UP Campaign will be hosting another National Organizing Call on Tuesday, October 4th at 4:00 p.m. ET. This call will focus on how to engage in Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) activities leading up to Election Day on November 8th.

Most states will reach their voter registration deadlines at some point during the month of October. As such, it is time to shift our focus from voter registration to Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) activities as we get closer to Election Day on November 8th.

  • Tuesday, October 4; 4:00 p.m. Eastern
  • Register online
  • Remote CART is available for this call.

[Read more…]

Action Alert: Historic Disability Report – Share with Local Media!

Yesterday, the Pew Research Center released a report entitled A Political Profile of Disabled Americans. Based on an analysis of their American Trends panel, the report details how Americans with disabilities compare to Americans without disabilities on interest and engagement in the election, voter registration and turnout, and ideological leanings. We are asking you to please share this report widely, especially with your local press, so that it can potentially generate greater media coverage of voters with disabilities.

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingThis report is significant in that it provides new and substantive data on Americans with disabilities and their engagement in the political process. Not only does the report capture the demographic enormity of Americans with disabilities and detail the challenges they face at the polls, but it also shows that in many ways, the disability voting bloc is similar to voters without disabilities. The analysis of how many Americans with disabilities show up to the polls, as well as the finding that disabled Americans are ideologically mixed and do not overwhelmingly identify with any political party, means that the disability vote carries significant power and should be courted by all candidates and parties seeking election or reelection.

It is important that we spread the word of this report particularly on a local level, as this will increase interest from local communities and the press in understanding and profiling voters with disabilities. We ask that you reach out to your local press with the report and ask them to provide press coverage of voters with disabilities in your community. When discussing issues of importance to your CIL with the press, please also mention that CILs and voters with disabilities want to see Congress pass the Voting Rights Amendment Act. We hope that drawing the attention of the press on many levels will convince the Pew Research Center to continue to collect and publish data on Americans with disabilities in the future.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Blahovec, NCIL Disability Vote Organizer, at [email protected] or Jim Dickson, Co-Chair of the NCIL Voting Rights Subcommittee, at [email protected].