the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Civil Rights & the ADA

Ask Your Members of Congress to Reject White Nationalism

On Election Day, just weeks after hate crimes in Kentucky and Pittsburgh rocked the nation, the majority of American people voted to change the direction of this country, away from the hate and bigotry that have overtaken our nation as the threat of white nationalism has grown.

Today, NCIL is joining our friends at Bend the Arc: Jewish Action in launching a new campaign to ask every member of the new Congress to go on the record to reject white nationalism and recognize its threat to our communities and our democracy.

Can you help us launch in a big way? It’s going to take all of us to get this demand into the hands of as many members of Congress as possible before they are sworn in on January 3rd.

Go to right now to find your representatives and ask them to sign on.  [Read more…]

NCIL Queer Caucus Condemns Trump Administration’s Call to Erase Transgender Identity

The NCIL Queer caucus condemns the Presidential Administration’s call to erase transgender identity from being recognized by the United States government. Through a unilateral set of policies targeting gender recognition, the transgender community will be put at even greater risk. Obama-era protections will be no more.

The transgender community already faces high unemployment, poverty, intimate partner violence, violence from police, and housing discrimination. The government recognition of gender identity had become a small step toward normalcy for many trans citizens. The ability to change gender markers — gender as identified on government documents — is not only a means of personal gender affirmation, but a label legitimizing gender. Bringing an I.D. to the bartender, using a public toilet, or getting on an airplane is no longer Russian Roulette for outing one’s self. Reports show that outing is a very dangerous act in a world still wrestling with the concept of trans identity. 27 transgender individuals have been murdered this year– many of them women of color. Gender markers are added protection against violence.

The NCIL Queer Caucus condemns the silence of the medical community on the issues of gender identity. Scientists have been the biggest ally to confirming that chromosomes are not the only definition of sex in humans. Despite evidence confirming gender identity, the scientific community is being silent on the attacks on the transgender community. The valuable information they provide is key to forming comprehensive and realistic policy around the issue.

22% of the transgender community identifies as having a disability compared to the general population of around 6%. Access to medical care, equal treatment under the law, access to jobs, housing, and safety are all concerns connecting the disability and transgender community.

Become a member of the NCIL Queer Caucus to help us organize and support the LGBTQ community, because we will most likely continue to see attacks on our population for the next several years. Be the change you want to see in the world! Learn about NCIL’s committees and caucuses and join today.

Achieving Accessibility for Election Websites and Sample Ballots: A Toolkit for Disability Advocates

Is your local election office’s website accessible to voters with disabilities? Election office websites are hubs of information for voters, providing pertinent information throughout the election process, such as what’s on your ballot and where your polling place is located. For voters with disabilities, accessing this information is especially critical as they look for information on accessible voting options or how to advocate for removal of access barriers that they experience at a polling place. Unfortunately, even though these websites are mandated by law to be accessible to people with disabilities, they often have significant access barriers that impact people with a range of disabilities.

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent Living“Achieving Accessibility for Election Websites and Sample Ballots: A Toolkit for Disability Advocates” is a toolkit to help local advocates not only understand the access barriers on election websites and sample ballots, but also help them form a strategy and approach local election officials to remove these barriers and make voter information accessible to voters with disabilities. The toolkit provides information and resources that help both advocates and election officials understand the user experience from the perspective of users with a range of disabilities, including vision, mobility, and cognitive disabilities, and strategies to help local advocates engage election officials in efficient and effective discussion. Advocates can use this guide to begin building a relationship with election officials not only to address website access barriers, but to address other access barriers in the voting process to make the fundamental right to vote accessible to all American citizens.

“Achieving Accessibility for Election Websites and Sample Ballots: A Toolkit for Disability Advocates” is available in PDF, Word, and plain text.

Your Election Day Voting Resources

It’s Election Day and all around the country, voters like you are making a difference.  Voting is a way for you to make your voice heard on issues that matter to you – issues like healthcare, education, and more.

Voting can be tricky when you have a disability.  That’s why we put together this list of resources so that you can exercise your right to vote today and cast your ballot privately and independently.

Getting to the polls:

  • Uber and Lyft are providing free or discounted rides to the polls, along with several bike companies, scooter companies, and public transportation systems.
  • Carpool Vote is a service that matches drivers with voters in need of a ride. You can request an adapted van with a lift through this service, mark that you will be traveling with a service animal, and/or request any other accommodations (such as help folding equipment).

At your polling place:

After voting:

An Update from the NCIL Mental Health Subcommittee

By Yvonne Z. Smith, Subcommittee Chair

Advocacy around mental health is becoming an even more important issue. Legislation proposed under H.R. 6180Mental Health Care for Children Inhumanely Separated from Parents by the Federal Government Act of 2018 will provide mental health services for children separated from their parents. The trauma that is created by separating children from their parents especially very young children is well documented. H.R. 6180 was introduced on June 21, 2018 in the House by Representative Nanette Diaz Barragan (D-CA). As of August 6, 2018 it has been referred to Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent LivingAnother bill to watch is S. 2513School Safety and Mental Health Services Improvement Act of 2018. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) introduced S. 2513 in the Senate on March 7, 2018. S. 2513 amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to allow state and local educational agencies to use certain federal funds for activities related to school safety, including: (1) infrastructure improvements to prevent, mitigate, or respond to incidents of school violence; and (2) professional development for school personnel in mental-health awareness, crisis response, and other programs designed to reduce and prevent school violence.

The bill also amends the Public Health Service Act to expand the programs for which the Department of Health and Human Services may provide financial support to assist local communities in helping children deal with violence. Such programs may include those designed to provide mental health and substance-use disorder assessments, crisis-intervention training, counseling, treatment, and referral.

The community must resist any connection of persons labeled mentally ill with danger. Parents should not have to disclose the mental health conditions of their children.

Paolo del Vecchio, MSW, former Director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) has been transferred out of his position. A community voice has been lost. Mr. del Vecchio, a positive resource for mental health at SAMHSA for over 20 years, gave voice to persons who were labeled with mental illness.

Midterms 2018: Three Steps to Get Out The Vote

October is drawing to a close, which means that it is almost time for the 2018 Midterm Elections! By now, many of us have already voted early or absentee, but if you haven’t (and even if you have), the NCIL Voting Rights Subcommittee has some tips on how to get out the vote yourself and to encourage others to vote.  [Read more…]

Invitation to Participate in Legal Effort to Compel Steak ‘N Shake to Comply with the ADA

The law firm Carlson Lynch Sweet Kilpela and Carpenter requests your assistance in the legal effort to compel Steak ‘N Shake to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). According to their request, Steak ‘N Shake has systematically failed to comply with the ADA in its parking lots and a lawsuit was filed to obtain a court order that would require Steak ‘N Shake to remediate and maintain its parking facilities so that people with disabilities are able to access Steak N’ Shake restaurants without difficulty.

The lawsuit was filed as a class action so that Steak ‘N Shake would have to remediate and maintain all of its stores and couldn’t simply fix problems at a few restaurants, while ignoring all the others. Recently, though, an appellate court found that the plaintiffs had not demonstrated that a sufficient number of people would be impacted by the lawsuit, despite there being 14.9 to 20.9 million people with mobility disabilities in the United States and more than 500 Steak ‘N Shake locations throughout the country.  [Read more…]

NCIL Statement Opposing Trump Administration’s Threats to the Transgender Community

This week, multiple news outlets reported that the Trump Administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, which will eliminate the rights of Transgender people. The plan from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) urges key government agencies to ignore modern science, medicine, and the law. This is a direct attack on the civil and human rights of millions of Americans in the Transgender and gender non-conforming community.

NCIL logo - National Council on Independent Living

The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is committed to using an intersectional outreach in its policy work. This encompasses a deliberate and genuine fight for the fundamental rights of our members, which include members of the Trans community. It is well known that Transgender individuals have full rights and protections established years ago through multiple courts. This Administration has continuously tried to dismantle the rights of many in this country and this is another attack that we will not tolerate.  A reversal of the civil rights of this community will do nothing but cause more harm and produce poorer health outcomes.

We believe that Trans people have the right to live safely in the community, have self-determination, and be included in every aspect of life. NCIL demands that the Administration reverse this direct and biased attack on the Transgender and gender non-conforming community.  We stand with the broad coalition of civil and human rights organizations opposing and pushing back against these plans.

The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is the longest-running national, cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities. Founded in 1982, NCIL represents thousands of organizations and individuals including: individuals with disabilities, Centers for Independent Living (CILs), Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs), and other organizations that advocate for the human and civil rights of people with disabilities throughout the United States. There are currently over 700 physical locations across America actively providing Independent Living services to people with disabilities.

Directory of Protection and Advocacy Voter Assistance Hotlines 2018

Do you have questions about voting, or have you experienced a challenge or barrier in casting your ballot? Your state’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency runs a hotline to assist voters with disabilities in navigating these challenges. Please see the below directory to find your state’s voter assistance hotline.  [Read more…]

Get Out the Vote with NCIL

It’s less than one month until the 2018 Midterms. How do you plan to get out the vote?

A circular button that says "VOTE" and has red and blue stripes with white starsAcross the country, advocates like you are writing and implementing GOTV strategies, contacting friends and family to encourage them to show up at the polls on November 6th. You’re using tools and strategies created by your fellow NCIL advocates, such as NCIL’s 2018 GOTV Guide.

We need your help to build the disability voting bloc. Donate to NCIL’s Voting Rights Fund now, so that more people with disabilities can cast their vote on November 6th.