Dear Aging and Disability I&R Professionals,
The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) has released the call for proposals for the 2020 Annual Information and Referral (I&R) Training and Education Conference. The annual I&R conference is being held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 7-10, 2020. AIRS is seeking workshops addressing the breadth of I&R service delivery.
The Aging and Disability conference track offers a unique opportunity to share developments and effective practices in serving older adults, persons with disabilities, and caregivers with I&R colleagues across the country. This track is coordinated by ADvancing States’ I&R Support Center, which strongly encourages aging and disability I&R agencies of all types to review the call for proposals and consider a submission.
The current call for proposals is available on the AIRS Learning system. General conference information is available on the AIRS website. We invite you to propose a workshop to share your knowledge and present to your peers! There are many potential topics of interest to I&R/A programs serving older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions about the Aging and Disability track, or to discuss a potential workshop topic.
The deadline for proposal submissions is February 21, 2020. Proposals are to be submitted online through AIRS Learning, where you can find additional information on presenting and a downloadable word document to preview the online application. If you have any difficulty accessing the call for proposals application, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].
Thank you,
Nanette Relave
Senior Director, National I&R Support Center | ADvancing States
241 18th Street S, Ste. 403, Arlington, VA 22202
Office Line: 202.898.2578 | [email protected]