the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

2023 NCIL Advocacy Awards

Each year, NCIL recognizes individuals and / or organizations for outstanding advocacy efforts.

Nominees do not have to be a member of NCIL. In the event that the winner is not a member of NCIL, upon receiving the award, they will receive a free one-year individual NCIL membership.

You must be a NCIL member to nominate someone for an award. The deadline to nominate for a NCIL Advocacy Award is May 29, 2023.

Awards will be announced during NCIL’s 2023 Annual Conference on Independent Living (

Diana Viets Memorial Award

Diana was an energetic young woman with a disability who dedicated her life to empowering young people with disabilities to take an active role in the Independent Living movement. Through her work at a Center for Independent Living and the NCIL Board, Diana touched the lives of many youth with disabilities. NCIL wants to acknowledge, honor, and encourage our young leaders who are promoting disability pride, spreading Independent Living philosophy, and fostering the active participation of youth with disabilities in the disability rights movement.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible for this award should be young adults whose work through Independent Living has had a positive impact on youth with disabilities.

Judy Heumann Advocacy Award

Judy was a fierce advocate who dedicated her life to disability rights and independent living. From the Section 504 Sit-In of 1977 to serving in multiple Presidential Administrations, Judy tirelessly pursued disability rights legislation at the national and international level. She was instrumental in the passing of multiple policies and laws including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and was a founding member of the National Council on Independent Living. Often considered the “Mother of the Disability Rights Movement”, Judy led our movement with grace and strength. With this award, NCIL will honor Judy’s advocacy legacy and encourage all to continue fighting for independent living rights, inclusion, and disability justice.  

Eligibility: Individuals eligible for nomination are those who have proven to be instrumental advocates in the Independent Living Movement and disability justice community in the past decade at a national level. This awardee will be nominated by the membership of the National Council on Independent Living and if multiple nominations are received, the final awardee will be chosen by NCIL’s Executive Director. Nominees do not have to be a member of NCIL. In the event that the winner is not a member of NCIL, upon receiving the award, he or she will receive a free one-year individual NCIL membership.