Share Your Experiences with the New 704/ Program Performance Reports The NCIL Rehabilitation Act / Independent Living Funding Subcommittee is looking for input from CILs and SILCs on their experiences with the new 704 / Program Performance Reports (PPR) and the ACL Reporting system. Please share your experiences with us by Friday, February 9, 2018! To participate, complete the survey online ( ). The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes. The survey is also available in Word ( ) and plain text ( ) and can be emailed back to NCIL Survey Questions: 704 / Program Performance Reports January 29, 2018 1. Did you have any problems entering your PPR / 704 into the ACL Reporting system? [ ] Yes [ ] No 1a. If yes, please describe the problems you encountered (open): 2. Do you feel the ACL Reporting system and / or PPR / 704 format has limitations? [ ] Yes [ ] No 2a. If yes, please explain what limitations exist (open): 3. How accurately do you believe the new PPR / 704 demonstrates the outcome of your services / SPIL? [ ] Very accurately [ ] Somewhat accurately [ ] Not at all accurately 3a. Please explain (open): 4. Please share with us any specific ways you think the new PPR / 704 can be improved (open):