the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Memorandum: Call for Resolutions

NCIL Resolutions

The purpose of resolutions is for members to speak directly to what NCIL does and what NCIL stands for. A resolution, if adopted by the membership, is a formal opinion from NCIL or a commitment to taking action on a specific topic.

Resolutions must be received by June 24, 2020.

The President will appoint a task force to review all resolutions to determine their impact on each of the following areas:

  • NCIL’s Mission & Guiding Principles: Is the proposed resolution consistent / compatible? Is the proposed resolution national in scope?
  • NCIL’s Resources: Can NCIL implement the proposed resolution’s intent with current financial and staff resources?
  • NCIL’s Governance: Does the proposed resolution require any significant changes to NCIL’s Bylaws or Standard Operating Procedures?

The resolution task force will provide the NCIL Board with a one-page summary of the resolution and the potential impact in each area. The NCIL Board will make a recommendation to the membership to adopt or reject the resolution. The recommendation shall be in writing with a brief statement explaining the rationale for the Board’s recommendation. All resolutions, including a brief statement with the Board’s recommendation, will be included in the ballot sent to NCIL members. We will be sending a ballot to all members next week that will allow NCIL to amend its Bylaws to permit virtual voting on resolutions this year. Regardless of the voting process, our Standard Operating Procedures require us to release the call for resolutions. If the Bylaw amendment to allow virtual voting is approved by the membership, ballots to vote on any proposed resolutions will be released in early July.

Please note: only NCIL members – individuals and organizations – are eligible to submit a resolution for consideration.

No resolutions will be accepted after the June 24, 2020 deadline. The results of the vote will be announced at NCIL’s Annual Council Meeting on July 22, 2020.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you.


Kelly Buckland
Executive Director
National Council on Independent Living