the advocacy monitor

Independent Living News & Policy from the National Council on Independent Living

Information Alert: ACL’s New FAQ Document for CILs

As many of you have seen by now, ACL has released a document entitled FAQ: Allowable Advocacy Activities (Word). The document is intended to describe how CILs can meet federal requirements under the Rehabilitation Act to conduct advocacy without violating federal laws against lobbying with federal funds. We are currently in the process of reviewing this document, but we have major concerns.

Systems advocacy is a core service of Centers for Independent Living, which means CILs are federally mandated to conduct advocacy activities. While understanding what types of advocacy are allowable with federal funds is important, this document demonstrates a clear overreach on the part of ACL. That said, we will not be intimidated, and we will strongly defend the right – and responsibility – of CILs to advocate.

We are currently reviewing this document and considering our response, and we will send out additional information once it is ready. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. We would welcome your thoughts on this document, including any concerns or relevant experiences you would like to share. We also invite you to send any questions you have, and we will respond to those directly or pass them along to ACL with our feedback. Please send your input and questions to Kelly at [email protected].

Please note: If you are coming to NCIL’s Annual Conference, this document, and concerns and responsibilities regarding advocacy and lobbying will be discussed before the Annual March & Rally and Hill Visits.