Strengthening the capacity of the workforce investment system to maximize services to jobseekers with disabilities while promoting self-advocacy for people with disabilities to better use the American Job Center Network is a core goal of the LEAD Center. The LEAD Center’s partnership with the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is central to achieving this goal.
The LEAD Center has entered into Memordanda of Understanding (MOUs) with five Centers for Independent Living (CILs) located in urban and rural settings across the country to implement the innovative CIL Demonstration to expand employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities through linkages with the public workforce system represented by American Job Centers (AJCs). The selected CILs include:
- Disability Rights and Resources, Birmingham, AL
- Paraquad, St. Louis, MO
- IndependenceFirst, Milwaukee, WI
- Montana Independent Living Project (MILP), Helena, MT
- Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL), Hayward, CA
These CILs represent extensive experience in working with many job seekers with a cross-spectrum of disabilities. Among other supports, their staff members have expertise on the impact of employment on benefits, working with Social Security disability recipients, guidance on disclosure of disability and requesting accommodations, and resolution of employment challenges such as viable transportation options. These CILs also have established linkages with AJCs in their areas and will provide technical assistance to the AJC staff on universal access requirements, available assistive technologies, resources to improve access, disability etiquette, creating a welcoming environment for job seekers with disabilities, and linkages to resources and supports to increase successful employment and career advancement opportunities. This innovative demonstration incorporates collaboration between NCIL and the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) with ultimate goals of impacting workforce service delivery at an individual and systems level.
Source: LEAD Center